Sunday, February 6, 2011


The Bliss stamp set. I loved it the moment I saw it and it was the first Sale-A-Bration catalog item I purchased. (Demonstrators can purchase the items in the minis and SAB catalogs before they come out so we can make samples.) However, once SAB starts, everyone earns them for FREE with a minimum $50 purchase! Then, the hardest thing is choosing which FREE item to get.

 I purchased the Bliss set. It is so versatile and I haven't even discovered all the things I can do with it, but here are a few I've managed to create:

The first card uses the Bliss set and the Clearly For You (click on link then select pg. 7) set which is in the Occassions Mini. I just love those little birds. The second card is modeled after the one pictured in the SAB catalog with the set. I made a few changes according to my supplies.

I showed the detail of the last card because I decided to fray the ribbon to continue the style of the card.
Let me know if you have any questions.

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