Friday, February 4, 2011

It's A Snow Day

It's a snow day around here, the fourth day in a row that schools have been closed. So unusual for the North Texas area. Well, I home school, so it has been just regular days for us. I guess the good thing is we don't have to make these days up like the public schools! Our teaching co-op was cancelled though, so maybe we do have to make that up.

All of that to say, it's a great day to hunker down in the craft room and CREATE!!! But until I get there, I am here creating this blog! Welcome. I hope to: Inspire. Create. Share.

To get you going here is a card I created awhile back for a friend who loves butterflies.

I used Whisper White and Elegant Eggplant cardstock, Just Believe stamp set, the Beautiful Wings embosslit, Basic Pearl embellishments, and Elegant Eggplant ink.

Let me know if you have any questions and I'd love to hear comments too!

P.S. If anyone has suggestions on how to get my pictures to come out better, PLEASE let me know. I see other blogs and pictures and they look so good. Don't know how to do that.


  1. This card is STUNNING! What a creative way to do the butterflies. I'm going to have to try this. I am a SU hobby demo and we homeschool! How many children do you have? I have three. Nice to meet you!

  2. Hi, So nice to meet you too. When I saw your profile on your blog, I thought, "Wow! We have so much in common." We are super involved with our church as well, but not just church, it's the Lord's business. We have five kids all together, but three are grown and have families of their own now (yes, I'm a grandmother, but I'm barely old enough, I promise!). We have two still at home. They are 15 and 13 (getting really close to 14). Thanks for your comments and let's stay connected. I love the set you used for your Mojo card, I've been eyeing those stamps and paper. Love them but there are so many things to love, it's hard to not want every single thing. Self-control!

    Take care, have a great day.
